Dos lenguas Cuatro historias (Icon Image)
Saturday, March 1, 2025 @ 6:00 PM
A dual short plays series
Stonzek Studio Theatre

Show Information

Dos lenguas. Cuatro historias. A dual short plays series
Saturday, March 1, 2025
6:00 PM
Stonzek Studio Theatre
Organization: Dacria Florida
Tickets: $10
Show Length: 60 minutes, no intermission

Two short plays in Spanish and two in English show us everything from how angels can create the world from nothing as if it were an Ikea item, to discovering how two brothers can stay in touch from beyond the grave, going through everything that a wife and a mistress can have in common, while at the same time, witnessing the crazy reactions that can occur in a shelter.

Dos obras cortas en español y dos en ingles nos muestran desde cómo unos ángeles crean el mundo de la nada, como si fuera un mueble de Ikea, hasta cómo dos hermanos pueden mantenerse en contacto desde la ultratumba. Veremos tambien todo lo que una esposa y una amante pueden tener en común, mientras asistimos a las disparatadas reacciones que pueden ocurrir en un refugio.
Price Selection
General Admission-$10 - $10

Lake Worth Playhouse
Box Office Hours: Monday- Friday 10:00am-4:00pm and 90 minutes before each performance
713 Lake Avenue, Lake Worth, FL 33460   561-586-6410